Frequently Asked Question

Optimize your internet connection WINDOWS
Last Updated 3 years ago


If you are experiencing problems when using dial-up or wireless connection, follow the steps in this guide.

  • If you are using a wireless connection, try connecting your computer directly to your router or modem.
  • Close other programs such as games or download software that access the Internet.
  • Restart your modem and/or router to resolve any problems that may be affecting your Internet connection.
  • If the connection problems are related to World of Warcraft, try adjusting the in-game network configuration:
    • Go to Network Options in the game menu (Esc > System > Network).
    • Check Optimize network for best speed if you are using a broadband connection.
    • Uncheck Optimize network for best speed if you are using a low-speed connection.
  • To reset your network:
    • Turning off the power to your modem and router will reset and re-establish a connection to your ISP. Follow these steps to completely reboot the devices in your network connection.

Note: Modems with battery power must be reset by disconnecting the battery or using the reset button directly.

  • Turn off all computers connected to the modem/router.
  • Turn off and unplug your modem, and your router if you are using one.
  • Leave your devices unplugged for at least 1 minute.
  • Plug your devices back in and turn them back on. Wait until their respective initialization processes are completely finished (stable connection and absence of abnormal flashing diodes).
  • Start the computer and let the initialization process continue completely.

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