Frequently Asked Question
The new MOP client is available since 30/10/2021!
The launcher automatically updates the client, while minimal and full clients links on our website have been updated.
It is possible to connect to MOP with both clients: the old and the new, temporarily.
In a few weeks, it will no longer be possible to enter the game without the update.
You may encounter error 132 after the update.

Since the MoP update, the 64-bit executable has been added and is launched by default ("wow64.exe"). Some people, although their operating system is compatible (64 bits), may encounter error 132.
You must then use the 32 bits (which is called "wow.exe"), 2 solutions exist:
Either you launch directly each time wow.exe without using the launcher. For those who still want to use the launcher: remove the 64 .exe ("wow64.exe"), and rename "wow.exe" to "wow64.exe"